Child Care

Create accessible, affordable, and quality child care close to home
  • City’s Child Care Action Plan – support the implementation of this Council approved strategy: Read More
  • City Owned Child Care – to increase public child care on City owned lands supported by non-profit child-care providers
  • Child Care in New Housing Developments – to support families where they live
  • Strengthening Child-Care Partnerships – to advocate, collaborate, and strengthen partnerships with senior levels of government for capital funding to create new child-care spaces; supporting non-profit and for-profit providers to improve the quality and accessibility of care locally
Why is this important?

As a mom with a young daughter, I see firsthand the pressures parents face in finding options for daycare and morning and after school care programs within the City. Many parents are forced to travel to other jurisdictions to find care, further adding to traffic congestion, but more importantly, negatively impacting daily routines of young children. Existing child care providers are significantly challenged due a lack of suitable locations to expand in the City.

We need to improve the accessibility of childcare by creating new spaces now when supports are available from both the provincial and federal government

Angela Girard